With this company, I moved from Employment Contract to B2B (Business-to-Business Contract). The company leader, a tech lead from Allianz and myself, we all met in Allianz headquarters in Warsaw and after the interview we agreed on the project to undertake and other details.
Porting Web Apps in On-Premise JBoss Platform 2019/07/01 - 2019/08/01
(Spring Boot, SOAP CXF, REST, Hystrix, DB2, H2, Mockito, JUnit, JIRA, Jenkins, Bamboo, Nexus, JBoss) Setting up web services taken over from a software house partner company and launching them on the JBoss platform on-premises.
Synchronization of Systems 2017/07/01 - 2019/07/01
(Spring Boot, SOAP CXF, REST, Hystrix, Apache Camel, MyBatis, Oracle, DB2, H2, Mockito, JUnit, JIRA, Jenkins, Bamboo, Nexus, JBoss) Optimisation of document management SOAP in-house clients with an external provider of document management REST system. Development of Jenkins scripted pipelines to harness CI and deployment across Java components. Design and implementation of a synchronization mechanism to maintain data integrity between the legacy and a new system being gradually phased in. Every N minutes, the component polls 11 views fed with data by Oracle 11g CDC (Change Data Capture) mechanism and one table reporting changes taking place in the new system.