Blog very helpful article to align architecture issue between Mac Chip M1 and –platform=linux/amd64 Pagefind is a wonderful idea. When I run it outside of the Docker, be it locally or in GithubActions I get the following log. Start building sites … hugo v0.117.0-b2f0696cad918fb61420a6aff173eb36662b406e+extended darwin/arm64 BuildDate=2023-08-07T12:49:48Z VendorInfo=brew | PL | EN -------------------+----+----- Pages | 67 | 69 Paginator pages | 0 | 0 Non-page files | 9 | 9 Static files | 12 | 12 Processed images | 0 | 0 Aliases | 1 | 0 Sitemaps | 2 | 1 Cleaned | 0 | 0 Total in 168 ms For Polish version Czytaj dalej...
16 sie 2023 2 Minutes 401 słów Tags: gcpMy Clean Architecture Go Application
Interesujący tekst do analizy My Clean Architecture Go Application
19 lip 2023 1 Minutes 9 słów Tags: goWays to include another content in Hugo.
Website as a list of single contents Hugo consideres a website to be a list of single contents. It resembles a directory structure where a directory has files (content) or another directory. Let’s call a single content a leaf and a listing of single contents a branch. So in Figure 1. and are leaves and portfolio and project1 branches. Leaf’s content describes itself because it has content about itself but what describes the branch itself? Czytaj dalej...
11 lip 2023 2 Minutes 408 słów Tags: hugo