projekt Website
Budowa tejże strony internetowej, poprzez którą z jednej strony chciałbym dzielić się zebranym doświadczeniem i mieć miejsce notowania użytecznych wskazówek a z drugiej przy jej pomocy przeprowadzić analizę wykonalności następujących celów.
Uniknąć korzystania z bazy danych dla potrzeb warstwy prezentacji. Polegać na serwowaniu statycznym i plików html generowanych w szybki i wydajny sposób w odpowiedzi na zmiany. By to osiągnąć, przeanalizować wydajność i mechanizm działania generatora stron statycznych Hugo. Sprawdzić Hugo jako wsparcie do zarządzania kontentem strony do jakiego stopnia nadaje się na CMS (Content Management System) Przeanalizować usługę Cloudcannon jako CMS Przenalizować metody wdrożeniowe bezpośrednio z repozytoriów Github przy pomocy Git Actions.
Streaming Platform
- 2023/04/01
08/2021 - 04/2023 Google Cloud Platform and used GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine), Log Explorer, Big Table, Spanner, Pub/Sub, MySql. Out of development stack it was Java 11, Spring Boot 2.2.0, Gradle, Hystrix, Jenkins
Streaming platform backend handling user registration, user account management, payments, content engagement. Project consisted of initially four developers and a scrum master. With me another two developers joined and a product owner. Later on another three developers joined.
Web Application for Customer Profiling
- 2021/08/01
Web application to support a bank relationship manager to characterise a client and discuss customised products.
Helping with a design of REST API backend to support a Single Page Application frontend and other services. Implementation of new features, testing and deployment to available environments. Participating in consultation sessions organised by client
Maintainance and Reduction of Technical Debt
- 2020/08/01
Range of tasks aimed at improvement of configuration and security of a suite of microservices. Configurations of 30 + microservices were file based and needed to be relocated to the database and then integrated in the Spring Boot lifecycle from a config server. Security-wise, client began migrating to CyberArk and the sensitive data, used by the microservices from their configuration files, first needed to be enrolled in CyberArk. Task fulfilled by meeting security requirements set by liaising with appropriate teams.
Porting Web Apps in On-Premise JBoss Platform
- 2019/08/01
(Spring Boot, SOAP CXF, REST, Hystrix, DB2, H2, Mockito, JUnit, JIRA, Jenkins, Bamboo, Nexus, JBoss)
Setting up web services taken over from a software house partner company and launching them on the JBoss platform on-premises.
Synchronization of Systems
- 2019/07/01
(Spring Boot, SOAP CXF, REST, Hystrix, Apache Camel, MyBatis, Oracle, DB2, H2, Mockito, JUnit, JIRA, Jenkins, Bamboo, Nexus, JBoss)
Optimisation of document management SOAP in-house clients with an external provider of document management REST system. Development of Jenkins scripted pipelines to harness CI and deployment across Java components. Design and implementation of a synchronization mechanism to maintain data integrity between the legacy and a new system being gradually phased in. Every N minutes, the component polls 11 views fed with data by Oracle 11g CDC (Change Data Capture) mechanism and one table reporting changes taking place in the new system.
Payment Tokenization
- 2017/07/01
(Spring REST, Oracle)
Development of new features to mobile payment platform in compliance with customer specifications. Dockerizing JBoss, LDAP to test Kerberos based authentication
Mobile Products Management App.
- 2016/08/01
Spring Boot REST, Mongodb, Google Cloud Messaging, RabbitMq
Development of back-end for a management platform supporting a release and subsequent control of IoT products by a major mobile provider.
Web Portal
05/2015 (Spring, Spring Boot, MVC, REST, Tomcat, Maven)
Member of a team developing back-end for a web portal.
Oracle’s SOA Orchestration
03/2014 (SOAP, SOA, BPEL, OSB, XML, XSD, XSLT, Weblogic, JDeveloper)
Development of an orchestration layer to the set of Spring based web services. Oracle’s SOA platform achieves desired business functionality including: operations on files (read - write) and transformations from a binary to XML and from XML to CSV based on some of the Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs): content based router, polling consumer, content splitter, content enricher.
File Download
11/2013 (Maven, Jenkins, JAX-RS / Spring, Postgres, JavaScript / JQuery, Tomcat)
Front and back-end allowing download of on the fly generated reports to the criteria passed from UI. Spring based web service with HTML/JavaScript interface. User selects criteria such as date from, date to etc. JavaScript validates user input and performs AJAX post request to Spring controller. The controller consults back-end and responds with appropriate HTTP response with a stream of CSV MIME typed data.
Liquibasing SQL Scripts
08/2013 (Maven, Continuous Integration (Jenkins), Liquibase in Continuous Integration pipeline.
Converting sql scripts to Liquibase changelogs. Two schemas have been reworked, both having nine or more tables. The changelogs were parameterized and packed in jar files.
Map Updates
08/2013 (Maven, Jenkins, Java SE, JAXB, Postgres, XML, DBF, Shapefile, Observer, MVC, Generics, Multithreaded).
Application to handle changes to maps. These changes were described in XML. The XML had tags identifying a road or maneuver attribute changed and its location on the map. The tool was to take these changes in and carry them over onto another format called Shape ref: The application engine run reactively on events from a JAXB API listener.
Code Quality Monitoring in Jenkins
07/2013 (Java SE, Freemarker, Jenkins, Sonar)
Creating graphs for code quality of selected projects in Continuous Integration - Jenkins. An application operating on Sonar API to collect the following data about designated projects in Jenkins such as: Integration Tests coverage, Unit Test coverage, critical and blocking issues. Freemarker templating used the data and produced a markdown file whose content had to be manually copy-pasted in the Confluence web page to show projects’ health graph.
Integration Test Framework
05/2013 (Java SE, JAX-RS, Maven Surefire and Failsafe plugins, Embedded Tomcat, Jenkins)
Development of Integration Test framework to test interoperability of web services. A wrapper for Embedded Tomcat server plus an HTTP client. Application downloads snapshots or releases from Nexus and deploys them to Embedded Tomcat. Then it performs integration tests of their interoperability by cross firing requests. This application is installed in the Continuous Integration pipeline and is triggered by the Maven lifecycle test goal.
XML Poster
04/2013 XML-Poster (JavaSE, JAX-RS)
An HTTP client reading gzipped XML files from designated locations. After unpacking the files, the application streamed them to the exposed web service loading them to a Postgres database.
Scripts and Toolkits
03-12/2013 (Java SE, JAX-RS, JAXB, XML, Postgres, Liquibase, SQL, Tomcat, Continuous Integration - Jenkins, DBF, Freemarker, Nexus, Scrum, Shapefile, TDD, Concurrency)
Requirements capturing, analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintenance of toolkit applications required by the client. As a member of a Scrum team, I undertook encouragement to follow TDD practices which I have been adopting as own methodology.
A Test Harness for Set Top Boxes UI
03-10/2012 (JavaScript, QUnit, Ant, YUI Compressor)
JavaScript based test harness operating on STB before loading of proper User Interface thus, it exercised Qt based back-end in the STB environment. It automatically performed operations such as volume up/down, change channel and many others specified in the requirements.
Front-End for a Major Set Top Boxes (STB) Market Holder
10-12/2012 (JavaScript, Ant)
Front-end for a major Set Top Boxes (STB) market holder. Member of a team developing User Interface for STB. The client had their own JS framework for the development.
Website Backend With JSF
2011 Development of Java EE based application with Java Server Faces (JSF) and Facelets, MySql, Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) on an Enterprise container (GlassFish).